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在您的日常護膚程序中添加 Marli 的 pH 平衡爽膚水是收緊毛孔、減少眼部浮腫、恢復自然 pH 平衡、改善膚色、減少粉刺以及溫和去除污垢、化妝品和油脂殘留的秘密武器。



  • 金縷梅非常溫和,幾乎可以用於任何類型的皮膚。由於我們的配方不含酒精、香料和染料,因此即使是最敏感的皮膚也非常適合。
  • 油性皮膚的人發現金縷梅可以幫助他們實現其他爽膚水無法達到的 pH 平衡。
  • 皮膚乾燥的人會看到薄片消失,而必需的水分仍然存在。
  • 我們的爽膚水可以清潔和鎮靜敏感肌膚,疏通毛孔,幫助您恢復肌膚的自然 pH 平衡。




每天添加 Marli 的 pH 平衡爽膚水只需幾秒鐘。只需用我們的洗臉,在化妝棉上加入少量爽膚水,塗抹到整個臉部(無需沖洗),然後塗抹我們的(適合 30 歲以下)、我們的(適合 30 歲以上)或我們的(用於夜間修復或特別乾燥的皮膚)。



Adding Marli’s pH Balancing toner to your daily skin care routine is the secret weapon to tightening pores, reduce under eye puffiness, restore a natural pH balance, improve skin tone, reduce acne, and gently remove any residual traces of dirt, makeup, and oil.


Why Witch Hazel?

  • Witch Hazel is so gentle that it can be used on nearly any type of skin. Since our formula is Alcohol, fragrance, and dye free, it is perfect for even the most sensitive skin. 
  • People with oily skin find that Witch Hazel helps them to achieve a pH balance that other toners can’t.
  • Those with dry skin see the flakes leave while essential moisture remains. 
  • Our toner cleans and calm sensitive skin, unclog pores and help you restore your skin to its natural pH balance.

We added collagen, aloe, and panthenol to keep your skin hydrated, promote healing, and to boost productions of collagen.

Adding Marli's pH Balancing Toner only takes a few seconds each day. Simply wash your face with our , add a small amount of toner to a cotton pad and apply to your entire face (there's no need to rinse off), and then apply our (for under 30), our (for over 30), or our (for night time repair or extra dry skin).


Marli 金縷梅 pH 平衡爽膚水 pH Balancing Toner With Witch Hazel


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