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不僅僅是一種生物素補充劑。西雅圖美容複合維生素軟糖含有精心挑選的微量營養素混合物,包括維生素 B 複合物、維生素 A、維生素 C、鋅、生物素和水解膠原蛋白 - 所有這些都是支持健康皮膚彈性和水分、健康頭髮和堅固指甲的關鍵組成部分。此外,這種整體美容解決方案還添加了當歸,一種傳統中藥中珍貴的抗衰老草藥,以促進膚色健康年輕和延緩衰老而聞名。完整原料,成就完美人生。



Beauty from the inside

Beauty truly starts from within. Nourish a healthy and youthful complexion with Seattle Beauty micronutrients and herbal supplement blend. This advanced formulation of multivitamins, biotin, hydrolyzed collagen, antioxidants, and Angelica Sinesis supports the quality and strength of beautiful skin, hair, and nails so you can look and feel your best.

All-in-one beauty vitamin

More than a biotin supplement. Seattle Beauty Multivitamin Gummies contain a carefully selected micronutrients blend including Vitamin B complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, biotin, and hydrolyzed collagen — all key building blocks to support healthy skin elasticity and hydration, healthy hair, and strong nails. In addition, this holistic beauty solution is enhanced with Angelica Sinensis, a prized anti-aging herb in traditional Chinese medicine, which is known to promote healthy and youthful complexion and delay aging. Complete ingredients for complete beauty.

當歸複合維他命軟糖 |甜瓜(12 包)Multivitamin Gummy with Angelica | Melon (12-Pack)


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