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Marli 的膠原蛋白提升面膜就是答案。其獨特配方可增加血液流動並增加皮膚的含氧量,從而同時使皮膚變得光滑、矯正、亮澤、緊緻、提升、緊緻並排毒。


  • Marli 膠原蛋白提升面膜是你用過的最好的抗衰老面膜。
  • 蛋白質、維生素、酵素和礦物質的獨特混合物加上蘆薈的益處共同作用,可以解決一些常見的衰老問題,例如:皺紋、瑕疵、皺眉紋、皮膚乾燥和片狀、褐斑、眼睛和嘴周圍的細紋、毛孔粗大和喉嚨皺紋。
  • 與膨潤土印度粘土面膜一樣,Marli 的面膜不僅能深層清潔毛孔,還能補充膠原蛋白並促進新的彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白細胞生長
  • 第一次臉部護理後即可看到效果,效果可持續長達 4 天,效果可累積
  • 每週使用 Marli 膠原蛋白提拉臉部護理 1 至 3 次,可獲得最佳效果
  • 每個提拉臉部護理組包含一瓶 4 盎司膠原蛋白提拉粉、一瓶 4 盎司提拉液、一瓶 2 盎司活膚維生素 EDA 霜、一把臉部護理刷和說明書


Do you miss your fresh, brighter, firmer skin from younger years but can’t afford a surgical face lift or costly laser treatments?

Marli’s Collagen Lifting Facial Mask is the answer. Its unique formula will increase blood flow and increase oxygen to your skin in order to smooth, correct, brighten, tighten, lift, firm, and detoxify all at once.

  • Marli’s Collagen Lifting Facial is best Anti-aging mask you will ever use.
  • The unique blend of proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and minerals plus the benefits of Aloe Vera work together to attack such common aging issues such as:  WRINKLES, BLEMISHES, FROWN LINES, DRY & FLAKY SKIN, BROWN SPOTS, FINE LINES AROUND YOUR EYES AND MOUTH, LARGE PORES, AND CREPY THROAT.
  • Like the Bentonite Indian Clay Masks, Marli's mask deep cleans your pores but also replenishes collagen & promotes new elastin & collagen cell growth
  • See Results after the first facial, results last up to 4 days, and results are cumulative
  • Apply Marli’s Collagen Lifting Facial 1 to 3 times a week for optimal results
  • Each Lifting Facial Kit contains one 4 oz jar of Collagen Lifting Powder, one 4 oz bottle of Lifting Liquid, one 2 oz jar of Revitalizing Vitamins EDA Cream, a facial application brush, and instructions

Collagen Lifting Facial Kit


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